

Please join us for our second journal club event in a series sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation. This journal club event, facilitated by Jen Boylan, Ph.D. and the CaLM Lab, is open to anyone who would like to observe or participate in a lively discussion on the psychology of religion and spirituality. The event will take place on Thursday, November 17th at 11:00 AM MDT via Zoom
Please email Caitlyn Wilson if you are interested in attending ( 
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“Investigating Religiousness/Spirituality with Health and Well-Being in the MIDUS Longitudinal Study”
September 9, 2022 | 10am-12pm MDT | Zoom

Join Drs. Jennifer Boylan and Kevin Masters for a FREE 2-hour training webinar on investigating religiousness/spirituality with health and well-being in the context of the Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) longitudinal study.

Through this webnar, you will learn about the study design and religiousness/spirituality measures publicly available in MIDUS, a national longitudinal study of health and well-being among midlife and older adults. The webinar will also introduce key resources for accessing MIDUS data, discuss key strengths and limitations in the broader literature on religiousness/spirituality and health and well-being, and build a community of scholars who are interested in studying religiousness/spirituality and health and well-being.

  • Who: Dr. Jennifer Boylan is an established MIDUS investigator with over 20 publications using MIDUS data. Her research focuses on how psychological well-being affects health in the context of social adversities (lower socioeconomic status, racial/minority status) and the biological pathways through which such relationships develop and are maintained. Dr. Kevin Masters has over 100 scientific publications and is an expert on the psychology of religion as well as religion and health. He was previously President of the Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality as well as the Society for Health Psychology. He is Editor Emeritus of Annals of Behavioral Medicine, and a past-chair of the Spirituality and Health Special Interest Group of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. Drs. Boylan and Masters are currently funded by the John Templeton Foundation to investigate biopsychosocial pathways linking religiousness/spirituality to health and well-being in the MIDUS longitudinal study.
  • What: A free training webinar that will provide attendees with the skills needed to conduct research using the publicly available national MIDUS dataset: from formulating a research question, to navigating the MIDUS webpage, to downloading and using data.
  • Where: The webinar will be hosted on Zoom. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions.
  • When: September 9, 2022 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM MDT (12:00 – 2:00 PM EDT)

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